Estimate cost here

Kindly use this method to estimate the various buildings on the website.

Building cost = Area x Rate

The rate is the cost to build per square meter

For bungalows, use NGN 160,000 per square meter

For duplexes, use NGN 190,000 per square meter

Please note that these rates may vary per time due to building materials price fluctuation.


The area is seen at the bottom of the post as in the image below: see more

What we do

Nigerianhouseplans offers you the underlisted services:

Ready made plan purchase

You may choose to buy any of our plans as listed on the website except custom designs whose code number start with “Custom”.

Plan modification

We can modify any of our plans to meet your requirements. In this case you choose a plan and give us a brief of changes you want. This comes at an additional cost to the base price cost. see more